Chin Implant and Liposuction
Although facelift surgery is the preferred surgical procedure for patients with excess neck skin, the placement of a chin implant and neck liposuction can improve some laxity of the neck skin. This patient underwent placement of a chin implant with neck liposuction by Dr. Niamtu.
Along with the chin improvement, the neck skin laxity is improved. This is a variable improvement and is significant in younger patients and less dramatic in older patients.
This 7 year old young man has a congenital facial growth disorder where his lower jaw has stopped growing. Additionally, Paul had severe sleep apnea where his oxygen levels dropped to dangerous levels at night.It was also difficult for him to eat. In April of 2005, Dr. Niamtu and his partner Dr. Metzger performed a transplant of 2 of Paul’s ribs to replace the defective temporomandibular joints. To improve his profile and self confidence, Dr. Niamtu also added a Chin implant. Paul is very happy with the results.