Cosmetic Articles by or About Dr. Niamtu
Dr. Niamtu is a prolific author and opinion leader and one of the most featured authors in the cosmetic surgery literature. His opinions, techniques, and teachings are commonly featured in national and international publications.
Click on any of the images below to view the full article in PDF format.
Dr. Niamtu discusses face masks and their unintended problems with cosmetic facial surgery healing.
Aesthetic Authority Magazine October 2021
Dr. Niamtu is interviewed about life and business
Aesthetic Authority Magazine December 2020
Dr. Niamtu discusses how COVID has affected practice
Modern Aesthetics Magazine August 2020
Dr. Niamtu discusses mask mistakes before and after cosmetic facial surgery
Aesthetic Authority Magazine
Dr. Niamtu discusses practicing cosmetic surgery during the pandemic.
Aesthetic Authority Magazine July 2020
Dr. Niamtu discusses problems patients have from wearing facemasks.
Aesthetic Authority Magazine May 2020
Dr. Niamtu discusses how the COVID 19 virus is affecting elective surgery practices
Aesthetic Authority Magazine April 2020
Dr. Niamtu discusses Surgical vs Non-surgical options
Medical Economics February 2020
The Aesthetic Rush in Medicine
Dr. Niamtu discusses cosmetic surgery in various specialties
Aesthetic Insider Magazine Podcast 3-20
Dr.Niamtu discusses running an aesthetic practice during a crisis
Dermatology Times 9-19
Dr. Niamtu presents a podcast on CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing
The Aesthetic Guide 12-18
Dr. Niamtu discusses clinical photography and before and after pictures
Growing Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Niamtu discusses growing the new cosmetic practice on podcast
Modern Aesthetics 10-18
Dr. Niamtu discusses Lip Lift
Modern Aesthetics 7-18
Dr. Niamtu discusses the Syneron/Candela Core CO2 laser
Modern Aesthetics 8-18
Dr. Niamtu Discusses Employee Matters
Dr. Niamtu discusses plastic surgery and bullying
Derm Tube June 2018
Dr. Niamtu discusses leadership and employee relations
The Aesthetic Channel 4-18
Dr. Niamtu discusses cheek implants and cheek rejuvenation
Our Health Magazine Jan Feb 2018
Dr. Niamtu discusses otoplasty and bullying
Modern Aesthetics Oct/Nov 2017
Dr. Niamtu discusses patient discounts
Wall Street Journal
Dr. Niamtu quoted about plastic surgery and social media
Chicago Tribune 9-17Dr. Niamtu quoted about social media and plastic surgery
Cosmetic Town 10-17
Dr. Niamtu discusses lip lift surgery
Modern Aesthetics TV 9-17
Dr. Niamtu discusses non-surgical and surgical options for aging necks.
Dr. Niamtu discusses new injectable fillers.
Cosmetic Surgery Times 5-17
Dr. Niamtu discusses new fillers Ryfine and Ryfine
The Aesthetic Channel 4-17
Dr. Niamtu unveils the name change from Cosmetic Surgery Times to The Aesthetic Channel
Reader’s Digest 1-17
Dr. Niamtu quoted on treating lip lines
Chesterfield Living Magazine 1-17
Dr. Niamtu discusses cosmetic surgery procedures
The Aesthetic Show
Dr. Niamtu named to Scientific Advisory Board for the 2017 Aesthetic Show
Modern Aesthetics January 2017
Dr Niamtu Discusses fillers and cosmetic surgery trends
Cosmetic Surgery Times December 2016
Dr. Niamtu discusses cosmetic devices in private cosmetic practice
Modern Aesthetics September/October 2016
Dr. Niamtu discusses midface and tear trough fillers Cosmetic Surgery for the Arab World August 2016
Dr. Niamtu is Interviewed about operating on international patients
Modern Aesthetics Magazine July 2016
Dr. Niamtu discusses how Botox treatments have changed over the years
Modern Aesthetics Magazine June 2016
Dr. Niamtu discusses the latest FDA approved filler Volbella
Plastic Surgery Practice Magazine May 2016
Dr. Niamtu discusses false patient reviews.
Dermatology News February 2016
Dr. Niamtu discusses Kybella for double chin treatment.
Cosmetic Surgery Times January 2016
Dr. Niamtu interviewed on cosmetic surgery devices
Plastic Surgery Practice January 2016
Dr. Niamtu on In Office Walkie Talkies
Cosmetic Surgery Times December 2015
Dr. Niamtu Discusses Non Invasive Surgery
Cosmetic Town 12-15
Cosmetic Surgery Times 12-15
Dr. Niamtu discusses neuromodulators and fillers
Plastic Surgery Practice 9-15
Article Dr. Niamtu and other cosmetic experts discuss treatment of eye bags
Cosmetic Surgery Times 12-15
Submental Fat- Making the Right Treatment Choice
Cosmetic Surgery Times 11-15
Dr. Niamtu discusses the nuances of male cosmetic surgery patients.
Plastic Surgery Practice July 2015
How Doctors Say No to Unrealistic Patients
Our Health Magazine August 2015
Dr. Niamtu discusses Kybella
Plastic Surgery Practice 7-15
Dr. Niamtu Discusses the new fat dissolving drug Kybella
The Aesthetic Insider Show 4-15
Dr. Niamtu is interviewed about 5 myths of Facial Rejuvenation
Dermatologic Surgery January 2014
On The Shoulders of Giants Farewell to Dr. Dick FItzpatrick
Aesthetic Insider News
Article: Dr. Niamtu Podcast on “5 Myths of Facial Rejuvenation”
Aesthetic Insider News 5-15
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Enhancing Employee Relations
Plastic Surgery Practice 1-15
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Facelift with Simultaneous Laser Resurfacing
Plastic Surgery Practice Online 11-14
Article: Dr. Niamtu and others on treating celebrity patients
SURGE publication of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery 9-14
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Accuvein technology
Big Medicine Magazine 8-2014
Dr. Niamtu featured for volunteer work
Health News Digest 7-24-2014: Dr. Niamtu on Scarless Mole Removal
Article: Physician Rating Wars Plastic Surgery Practice. 2014;(8),30-31.
Plastic Surgery Practice 1-14
Article: Dr. Niamtu on cheek rejuvenation with fillers and implants
Cosmetic Surgery Times
Article: Dr. Niamtu discusses “how young is too young for cosmetic procedures”
Yahoo News
Article: Dr. Niamtu on bullying and cosmetic surgery
London Daily Mail
Article: Bullied children now resorting to plastic surgery
Kent State University Alumni Magazine
Article: Dr. Niamtu featured on charity surgery
Plastic Surgery Practice Online
Article: Plastic Surgery Practice Online Dr. Niamtu Discusses New Cheek Filler Voluma
Dermatologic Durgery 2-13
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Laser Assisted Patient Positioning for Consistent Clinical Photography
Aesthetic Guide Extreme Plastic Surgery 4-13
Article: Dr. Niamtu among interviewed concerning excessive cosmetic surgery
PSP Laser 5-13
Plastic Surgery Practice Magazine May 2013
Article: Wendy Lewis discussed Dr. Niamtu laser lecture at ASLMS annual meeting
Surgical Aesthetics May/June 2013
Dr. Niamtu discusses how he does facelifts without drains or dressings
Modern Aesthetics The Next Big Thing
Article: Dr. Niamtu talks about “The Next Big Thing”
Plastic Surgery Practice January 2013
Article: Feature story about Dr. Niamtu
Big Medicine Magazine January 2013
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Enhancing Employee Relations
Cosmetic Surgery Times December 2012
Article: Dr. Niamtu and other Key Opinion Leaders on the state of cosmetic surgery
Plastic Surgery Practice July 2012
Article: Dr. Niamtu discussing interspecialty relations
Cosmetic Dermatology 6-12
Article: Rejuvenation of the lips and lower face
Dermatologic Surgery 5-12
Article 1: Drains and Dressings in Facelift Surgery; To Be Or Not To Be
Article 2: Radiowave Surgery for Rhinophyma Treatment
Cosmetic Dermatology 5-12
Article:Filler Rejuvenation of the Lips and Lower Face. Cosmetic Dermatology. 2012;25:250-52
Cosmetic Surgery Times May 2012
Article 1 : Rejuvenating the Aging Face
Article 2: Facelift Surgery-Less is not More
Article 3: The Use of Erotic Art in Cosmetic Surgery Education
New You Magazine-Spring Issue
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Plastic Surgery Practice Magazine February 2012
Article: 10 Things about Dr. Joe Niamtu
MedicalSpaMD February 2012
Article: Interview with Dr. Niamtu about running a cosmetic surgery practice
Skin & Allergy News February 2012
Article: Experts disucss facelift tips
Parenting While Plastic
New York University ScienceLine December 2011
Article: Dr. Niamtu quoted about parents having cosmetic surgery and explaining to their children
Cosmetic Surgery Times October 2011
Article: Combining CO2 Laser and Facelift
Article: CO2 Laser blepharoplsty
Practical Dermatology October 2011
Article: Managing filler complications
Plastic Surgery Practice October 2011
Article: Pitfalls in Cosmetic Clinical Photography
Cosmetic Surgery Times July 2011
Article: Dr. Niamtu on tear trough fillers
Article: Dr. Niamtu on filler injection using cannulas
Practical Dermatology July 2011
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Integrating New Cosmetic Procedures Into A Practice
Cosmetic Surgery Times June 2011
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Facelift Surgery
Article 2: Dr. Niamtu on Minimally Invasive Facelift
Plastic Surgery Products Magazine June 2011
Article: Dr. Niamtu on facial implants
Surge Magizine Spring 2011
Article: Dr. Niamtu on lower blepharoplsty
Surge Magizine Spring 2011
Article: Dr. Niamtu on upper blepharoplasty
Plastic Surgery Products February 2011
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Lasers in Cosmetic Surgery
New You Magizine Spring 2011
Article: Dr. Niamtu eyelid patient
Health Journal
Article: Dr. Niamtu provides 5 questions to ask your self before having cosmetic surgery
Cosmetic Surgery Magazine
Article: Dr. Niamtu answers questions about the state of cosmetic Surgery
New You Magazine Winter 2011
Article: Dr. Niamtu on lip and wrinkle fillers
Cosmetic Surgery Times (Jan/Feb 2011)
Article: Dr. Niamtu on evaluating the cosmetic surgery patient
New You Magazine
Article: Dr. Niamtu on fillers
Plastic Surgery Practice
Article: Dr. Niamtu Named as one of 2010 Top Docs
Cosmetic Surgery Magazine (Australia)
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Cosmetic Facial Surgery
Dr. Niamtu Quoted in New York Daily News
click here to view article about questionable Botox side effects
Plastic Surgery Practice Magazine
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Dysport Vs. Botox
SURGE Magazine Volume 3, Issue 4, September 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Facelift Part II
The Aesthetic Guide Cosmetic Surgery Magazine
Article: Dr. Niamtu on lip enhancement options
In The Know Beauty Magazine
Article: Dr. Niamtu on facial spider veins
Richmond Magazine October, 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on male facelift surgery
Dr. Niamtu quoted in New York Daily News
SURGE Magazine Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on “Weekend Facelift”
In the Know Beauty Magazine Fall 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Sun Damage
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Facial Fillers
Article: Dr. Niamtu on the Lip Lift procedure
In The Know Beauty Magazine, Summer 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Sun Damage
Article: Dr. Niamtu on “When is the best time to have cosmetic Surgery”
Plastic Surgery Practice August 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Cosmetic Earlobe Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery Times 8-2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Pain Control in Cosmetic Surgery
In The Know Magazine Spring 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Cosmetic Laser Rejuvenation
Cosmetic Surgery Times May 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Preop Screening for Bleeding Problems
Plastic Surgery Products April 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Chemical Face Peel
Cosmetic Surgery Times March 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Surgical Treatment of Frown Lines
Cosmetic Surgery Times March 2010
Dr. Niamtu on Pre-op Cardiovascular Considerations
Healthy Aging Magazine March 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Laser Treatment of Spider Veins
Plastic Surgery Practice January 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Dysport
In The Know January 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Mini Lift
Chesterfield Living Magazine January 2010
Article: Dr. Niamtu on eyelid surgery
Richmond Times-Dispatch November 2010
Article: newspaper story on Dr. Niamtu‘s business success
Skin and Allergy News
Article: Dr. Niamtu on filler techniques
Aesthetic Practitioner News 10-09
Article: Dr. Niamtu Botox Efficiency
Article: Dr. Niamtu on facelift for high BMI patients
Plastic Surgery Practice 10-09
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Injectable Filler Complications
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Latisse
In the Know Fall 09
Article: Dr. Niamtu on at Home Skin Tightening Devices
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Laser Options
Plastic Surgery Practice 9-09
Article: Dr. Niamtu on filler complicatioins
Article: Dr. Niamtu on his otoplasty techniques
Article: Dr. Niamtu complications from new laser technology
Aesthetic Dermatology News May June 2009
Article: Dr. Niamtu discusses Lattise
In the Know Magazine Summer 2009
Article: Dr. Niamtu on choosing a cosmetic surgeon
In the Know Magazine Summer 2009
Article: Dr. Niamtu answers readers questions
Cosmetic Dermatology 5-09
Article: Dr. Niamtu editorial on minimally invasive procedures
Plastic Surgery Practice November 2008
Article: Profile on Dr. Niamtu and cosmetic facial surgery
In The Know Spring 2009
Article: Dr. Niamtu Discusses Latisse and eyelash enhancement
Chesterfield Living March 2009
Article:Profile on Dr. Niamtu and his new surgery center
Aesthetic Dermatology News2009
Article: Dr. Niamtu on lip enhancement
In The Know December 2008
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Fillers vs. Facelift
In The Know December 2008
Article: Dr. Niamtu on skin care staying young at an early age
In The Know December 2008
Article: Dr. Niamtu answers cosmetic questions
Aesthetic Dermatology News 9-08
Article: Dr. Niamtu chemical peeling pigmented skin
In The Know 9-08
Article: Dr. Niamtu on choosing a surgery, choosing a surgeon
In The Know 9-08
Article: Dr. Niamtu on previewing cosmetic surgery results
Cosmetic Surgery Times 8-08
Article: Dr. Niamtu on lip implants
In The Know 6-08
Article: Dr. Niamtu answers cosmetic surgery questions
Cosmetic Surgery Times 6-08
Article: Dr. Niamtu and other experts on fillers
Cosmetic Surgery Times 6-08
Article: Dr. Niamtu on brow lifting
Plastic Surgery Products 6-08
Article: Dr. Niamtu on vectors in facelift surgery and facial rejuvenation
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Injectable Fillers and Anesthesia
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Botox Safety
Aesthetic Dermatology News 5-08
Article: Dr. Niamtu on lower facial Rejuvenation
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Lip Fillers
In The Know: Beauty for a Lifetime Feb. 2008
Article: Dr. Niamtu answers cosmetic surgery questions
Aesthetic Dermatology News 11-07
Article: Dr. Niamtu on facial implants for dermatologic cosmetic surgery
M.D. News 9-07
Article: Dr. Niamtu on post bariatric facelift surgery
Plastic Surgery Practice 9-07
Article: Dr. Niamtu editorial on minimally invasive surgery
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Fat Injection and Stem Cells
Cosmetic Surgery Times 5-07
Article: Dr. Niamtu on advances in laser technology
Dr. NiamtuDr. Niamtu on Laser Skin Resurfacing Dr. Niamtu Richmond VA” width=”230″ height=”307″ />
Cosmetic Surgery Times 5-07
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Laser Skin Resurfacing
Aesthetic Dermatology News 8-07
Article: Laser Resurfacing Complications
Aesthetic Dermatology News – March/April 2007
Article: Radiowave Surgery to Remove Moles
Plastic Surgery Products – Jan/Feb 2007
Article: Conservative CO2 Laser Resurfacing
Plastic Surgery Practice- Jan/Feb 2007
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Chin Surgery
Aesthetic Dermatology News Feb. 2007
Article: The Benefits of Dual Wavelength Lasers
Omnilux Web Seminar
Article: New Technology Skin Treatments
Plastic Surgery Practice July 2007
Article: Dr. Niamtu on facial liposuction
Plastic Surgery Practice- October 2006
Article: Dr. Niamtu on vascular lasers
Plastic Surgery Practice- September 2006
Article: Dr. Niamtu on Facial Implants
Cosmetic Surgery Times – April 1, 2006
Article: Minimally invasive realities: Focus on practical outcomes
Plastic Surgery Practice January 2006
Article: Dr. Niamtu on mini brow lift
Cosmetic Surgery Times – May 1, 2005
Article: The happy marriage of facelift, CO2 laser resurfacing
Richmond Times-Dispatch – March 5, 2005
Article: The Battle Within: A blind woman struggles to satisfy her own standards for beauty
Cosmetic Surgery Times – March 1, 2005
Article: Becoming a digital photography pro isn’t difficult
Dermatology Times – October 1, 2004
Article: Target four-to-eight-week tx window to minimize formation of scar tissue
Cosmetic Surgery Times – August 1, 2004
Article: Face-off: Specialists split over oral surgery ruling “No single specialty owns the face.”
Cosmetic Surgery Times – July 1, 2004
Article: Dressing for success after laser treatments: ‘smart’ bandages boost healing, ease pain
Cosmetic Surgery Times – May 1, 2004
Article: CO2 laser safely enhances facelift
Cosmetic Surgery Times – April 1, 2004
Article: Laser also fine for face when used with a light touch
Cosmetic Surgery Times – March 1, 2004
Article: The wound healer
Cosmetic Surgery Times – June 1, 2003
Article: The adjustable vector midface lift: A simplified technique
Cosmetic Surgery Times – May 1, 2002
Article: Complications of laser resurfacing
Skin and Allergy News April 2002
Article: Complications of laser resurfacing
Cosmetic Surgery Times – Jan-Feb, 2002
Article: Vascualr lasers
January, 2002
Dr. Niamtu, J
532 Diode Laser Treatment of Teleangiectasias
Cosmetic Surgery Times 2002 5:1:11
November, 2001
Dr. Niamtu, J
Cosmetic Facial Surgery
Chesterfield Living Magazine
Fall Issue
November, 2000
Dr. Niamtu, J
Letter to the Editor
“Misinformation on Facial Implants”
Cosmetic Surgery Times
Nov/Dec Volume 3, number 10 pg.33