Archive for the ‘ Technology ’ Category

Kybella: Will it be the Next Big Thing ?

Rejuvenation of the aging face and neck is my vocation, my avocation and my passion.  I have performed 1,000 facelifts and over 1,000 facial liposuction procedures.  I therefore feel extremely qualified to discuss treatments to this area.  If you have not already heard, Kybella (formerly known as ATX-101) is a drug that was approved today by […]

Recent study shows the 940 wavelength laser superior for spider veins

Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have concluded that the 940-nm wavelength laser is superior for treating facial spider veins (telangiectasias) as compared to the 532-nm-wavelength laser. The findings, which appear in the recent issue of Lasers in Surgery and Medicine , are the first time these lasers were tested against each other […]

Google Glass: Awesome Technology or is the Cart before the Horse

Somehow I received the opportunity to be an “Explorer” for Google Glass At first I was hesitant as I thought it was some scam, but after verifying with Google, I placed my order (yep, even Explorers have to shell out $1,500).  Several days later a box from Google was on my doorstep!   Being a techie, […]

Dr. Niamtu Interviewed by Dr. Drew Ordon of the Award Winning Daytime TV Show “The Doctors”

Dr. Drew Ordon is the host of the Award Winning daytime TV show “The Doctors”.  On this Aesthetic TV segment he interviews Dr. Niamtu about contemporary cosmetic facial surgery.  The topics include: Procedures that work and those that don’t Why “miracle facelifts seen on TV” don’t work Minimally invasive cosmetic facial surgery Pro bono and […]

Dr. Charles Hard Townes: I Met The Man That Invented LASERS

Dr. Niamtu and Dr. Townes in 2010  I have had my picture taken with a lot of people, I guess you could say it is sort of a hobby, like some people collect coins, etc.  I have John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, Steven Spielberg, a President and a VP as well as many celebrities and sports […]

My New Textbook: the first 90 days

I have written several blog posts about the task of writing a comprehensive cosmetic facial surgery textbook.  The first post was written as I was mid way into the project ……on writing my textbook and the second entry was written after it was finished and I realized what I did. Writing a Textbook: the hardest thing […]

Online Cosmetic Surgery Consultation: what’s up with that?

I saw a very interesting article in the New York Times (1-21-2010, page E3) recently about how many cosmetic surgeons are offering virtual online consults for patients.  This article discussed how many cosmetic docs are currently offering online video consultation for patients where the surgeon and patient are connected via web cam and a telemedicine […]

……on writing my textbook

In an earlier post, I described the work involved with writing a major cosmetic facial surgery text.  I literally spent 3-4 hours a day (and sometimes up to 11 hours) writing chapters on common topics of cosmetic facial surgery.  Being a major text from one of the best known medical publishers (Elsevier Saunders) there is […]

Laser Treatment of Burn Scars on the Today Show: Miracle or Not?

On May 28th the Today Show ran a very interesting segment about a very touching story of very pretty triplets that were badly burned in infancy and were treated with a new laser treatment to improve their burn scars.  The laser was the Lumenis Encore laser and the Deep FX laser, also made by Lumenis. […]

The Day My Computer Broke!

My trusty and faithful laptop has been acting up ( I curse Windows Vista) for several months and it has been getting slower and slower. I finally could not take it anymore and decided to format the hard drive reload everything and start all over. I must admit that a big part of me simply […]