Here I pose with my buddy Casey Perkins. I read about Casey years ago when he was severely burned in a fire from a Christmas tree. I have had the honor to reconnect with Casey recently and we have been trying some of the new scar lasers on his burn scars and skin grafts. We […]
On May 28th the Today Show ran a very interesting segment about a very touching story of very pretty triplets that were badly burned in infancy and were treated with a new laser treatment to improve their burn scars. The laser was the Lumenis Encore laser and the Deep FX laser, also made by Lumenis. […]
Joe Niamtu III, DMD11319 Polo PlaceMidlothian, VA 23113
Phone Joe Niamtu III, DMD Cosmetic Facial Surgery Phone Number 804-934-FACE (3223)Send Us a Message
Monday - Friday8:00am - 5:00pm