Technology Review: AccuVein imaging device to view veins
I love new technology and regularly perform technology reviews. The AccuVein device is a neat little hand held bundle of technology that shows superficial veins. The device uses visible and invisible laser light to show the veins under the skin. It has a big “cool factor” as it looks magic that the veins seem to appear from under the skin like bones in an X ray. There are numerous uses for this device to enhance patient safety during filler injection, avoiding veins during Botox injection and decrease complication such as bruising with fillers or missed IV’s. It is also helpful to identify and treat leg veins and to identify IV sights on patients that are difficult to obtain IV access or in infants and children. The attached video shows my review of this device. This video contains actual surgical footage so viewer discretion is advised.
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Joe Niamtu, III DMD
Cosmetic Facial Surgery
Richmond, Virginia