Dr. Niamtu and Brow Lift Education
Dr. Niamtu has published a 1,000 page comprehensive textbook on cosmetic facial surgery which includes a large chapter on his browlift techniques. Few surgeons receive the honor to publish such a text with a major medical publisher like Elsevier .
Dr. Niamtu lectures frequently on brow and forehead lift surgery. The photo to the left shows Dr. Niamtu demonstrating endoscopic brow lift at the University of St. Louis Cosmetic Facial Surgery Course cadaver lab. Also shown is course director Dr. Mike Nayak.
The brochure to the left is from a multispecialty cosmetic facial surgery course at the University of St. Louis in July of 2006 where Dr. Niamtu lectured on eyelid and brow surgery.
Click on the image to enlarge.
The brochure to the left is from a multispecialty cosmetic facial surgery course at the University of St. Louis in February of 2007 where Dr. Niamtu has been a regular lecturer on eyelid and brow lift techniques.
Click on the image to enlarge.