Archive for the ‘ New Cosmetic Surgery Technology ’ Category

Tell Me About Belotero, the Newest Injectable Filler

Belotero is the newest FDA injectable filler available in the USA.  It has been used for years in Europe with excellent patient satisfaction and safety margin.  This filler is unique in several ways.  Most notably, it is made with a dual cross linking process that gives it some of its unique properties.  The biggest advantage with Belotero is […]

Dr. Niamtu appointed to Xeomin Teaching Faculty

Dr. Charles Hard Townes: I Met The Man That Invented LASERS

Dr. Niamtu and Dr. Townes in 2010  I have had my picture taken with a lot of people, I guess you could say it is sort of a hobby, like some people collect coins, etc.  I have John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, Steven Spielberg, a President and a VP as well as many celebrities and sports […]

Buyer Beware: Cosmetic Facial Surgery

In this day and age of media hype, it is not uncommon to see, hear or read about “miracle” skin and surgery procedures that “can be done awake without anesthesia”, have “little or no down time” and promise to “take years of aging” off of the skin.  BE CAREFUL!  Some general rules to consider are: […]

The Aesthetic Show Las Vegas 2011

Dr. Niamtu and “The Doctors” host Dr. Andy Ordon were among faculty speaking at The Aesthetic Show in Las Vegas I lecture at an average of 20 meetings a year, all over the world, and enjoy them all.  I am writing this blog post from a truly phenomenal meeting; The Aesthetic Show which is at […]

Please Don’t Call Me a Plastic Surgeon

The field of cosmetic surgery has increased at an exponential rate over the past several decades.  Many paradigm shifts have occurred and this has changed the entire landscape of aesthetic surgery.  If a practitioner that performed aesthetic surgery procedures 40 years ago were to spend a day in my office they would be amazed by […]

Minimally Invasive Facelift: Counterpoint

I was recently asked by a major cosmetic publication to discuss my feelings on minimally invasive facelifts.  Although I think they are a possible option for younger patients, I believe they are over used on patients that actually require a more comprehensive facelift and therefore lead to many unhappy patients that are left with a lesser […]

Dr. Niamtu Announces 2011 Ultimate Cosmetic Facial Surgery Course

Seminar Brochure 2011 (download pdf) I am proud to announce our schedule for our seventh annual cosmetic facial surgery course.  We have trained hundreds of surgeons from every surgical specialty including plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, ENT, ophthalmology, oculoplatic surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, dermatology, cardiac surgery, general surgery, Ob/Gyn and others.  We are also […]

Online Cosmetic Surgery Consultation: what’s up with that?

I saw a very interesting article in the New York Times (1-21-2010, page E3) recently about how many cosmetic surgeons are offering virtual online consults for patients.  This article discussed how many cosmetic docs are currently offering online video consultation for patients where the surgeon and patient are connected via web cam and a telemedicine […]

Dysport Units and Dilution Versus Botox Units and Dilution: 3 to 1 will get it done.

    As neurotoxin science continues to advance and more drugs become available, patients will be offered more choices of treatments.  Currently Botox (Allergan) and Dysport (Medicis) are the only FDA approved neurotoxins (also called neuromodulators) to treat facial lines and wrinkles.  Numerous other similar drugs are currently in the pipeline for FDA approval, including […]